Welcome to the Worldwide Reforestation Program

Forest development from the Equatorial line for the whole world.


About Us

The construction of our guidelines was nurtured with the results of the interviews conducted with different actors during the 17 visits to members of PFp Chain in different regions of the equatorial belt. Additionally, contributions from different analyzes of the international forestry sector were considered and the drafts of the consultancies on the value chain of commercial forest plantations and their institutional framework advanced in 2016 by the World Bank’s PROFOR project were used extensively.

Our Mission

Increase the competitiveness of the forest production chain related to commercial forest plantations to obtain wood, food and water in order to recover traditional international markets, meet growing national demand and conquer export markets for wood and its manufactures, while in parallel, care for the environment.

Our Vision

In 2038, the forestry sector of the Equator line is the main engine of rural development and a strategic component of international development. For this, the consolidation of the forest production chain related to commercial forest plantations for obtaining wood, was the cornerstone

Our Guidelines

The guidelines are made up of three parts:

  • The Identification of the problem, which summarizes the current situation.

  • The Directionality of the Policy, which responds to where to align the intervention mechanisms

  • The Strategic Objectives, which answers the question where to act with intervention mechanisms. For these guidelines, the identification of the problem and the directionality of the policy correspond to the forestry sector, while the strategic objectives focus on the forestry chain related to commercial forest plantations for obtaining wood.

Our Planning Horizon



The planning horizon corresponds to the period 2016-2038. By 2038, the forestry sector in tropical countries will have become the main driver of rural development and a strategic component of international development. For this, the consolidation of the forest production chain related to commercial forest plantations for obtaining wood will have been the cornerstone. During the period 2016-2038, the forestry sector will serve as a means of consolidating peace.

Our Objectives

The strategic objectives have been organized into four structuring axes: 

 Productivity and market, Institutionality, Social inclusion and decent work and Environmental Commitment.

The productivity and market axis seeks to increase the competitiveness of the PFp Chain in order to recover the traditional national markets, meet the growing national demand and conquer the export markets for wood and its manufactures.

The institutional axis focuses on building the capacity of public and private actors and organizations of the forestry institutional framework so that they implement the policy of the PFP Chain within a framework with clear and stable rules and procedures.


The social inclusion and decent work axis focuses on ensuring an equitable distribution of the social and economic benefits of activities related to commercial forest plantations, taking advantage to combat poverty through the provision of decent employment


The last axis, environmental commitment, is aimed at protecting the forest heritageand the natural resources associated with the PFP Chain, and capitalizing on the possible opportunities that may arise from climate change


We have decided to help the populations of these regions by improving their quality of life, taking into account the following values:

  • The development of the forestry sector is a state priority in compliance with its obligation to preserve and respect life in all its manifestations, especially in seeking to provide welfare to each citizen.
  • The forestry sector will not be able to develop from inequities. Society as a whole will participate economically, environmentally and socially in the contribution of forests to the well-being of the world.
  • The development of the forestry sector, and the participation in its benefits, will start from the equal exercise of rights, opportunities and responsibilities that society exercises in relation to the forest heritage of the region.
  • The forestry sector must be understood as an instrument aimed at the social prosperity of the world, leading us to a sustainable planet. The social development strategy of rural territories must conceive this sector as the protagonist of its planning.

Within the framework of the visits, we have identified that within the framework of the Equator line there are approximately 510,000,000 km2 of forest, where our main objective is to carry out immediate tasks where we help improve the quality of life of the people, to that they can have access to drinking water, direct employment and food production for their own consumption by the communities involved and with visions to generate quality products, such as wood and food produced in the region, which will be for export and will contribute directly in the economic development of the equatorial belt and the world. Therefore, our project should be able to affect around 350,000,000 km2, which is the necessary margin for the project to be executed and generate the profits to meet our objectives within the framework of the Forest Production Project.

Our Specific Objetives

  • Maintain and exceed the margin of 700 billion tons of CO2 absorption and produce more than 350 billion tons of oxygen in the equatorial belt. For example, Colombia emits 237 million tons of CO2 per year. Which tells us that maintaining the number and exceeding it, we can gradually overcome the greenhouse effect.
  • Generate more than 15 million decent direct jobs generated throughout the PFp Chain thanks to the constant growth of the planted area and associated industrial development, providing economic activation in the populations of the region.
  • Pan-Coger Production, based on short-term production chains, thus creating crops that provide harvests between 15 days and 6 months after planting. In order to generate income quickly, to support families. As is the case with cilantro, which is ready for distribution in 15 days, or onions, which are ready to be harvested in a period of 2-3 months.
  • Medium-term production: Generating production chains between 6 months and 3 years, generating profit margin greater value and thus rewarding the time expected by the farmer. As they are: Rice, coffee, passion fruit, etc.
  • Timber forests which mean a great enrichment of capital in the long term 15-20 years; providing family and associative savings, which will have repercussions in economic benefits due to the sale of quantities of manner within an industrial approach or raw materials, where a farmer and/or association that has 30 hectares of forest can earn up to 10.5 million euros.

One of the great advantages of the Equatorial Region is that it has a great wealth of thermal floors and its land is not affected by the seasons, which is a guarantee for the constant development of crops over the years and the progressive construction of the forestry production program.

Help Us to Help

Fulfilling our objectives, we raise the bet towards a better world, with improvements in the economy, seeking a balance for humanity, guaranteeing a better future for future generations, giving priority to the right to life, caring for water and opening doors to a better education, always encouraging the planting of trees to reduce the carbon footprint and increase the production of oxygen at a global level.